USB Explorer
200 (USB 2.0) |
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USB Explorer 200 - Feature Tour
The search view offers four modes |
It is possible to search for USB transactions, endpoints data, Setup requests or columns strings. |
Search for transactions help to easily find transactions using the following criteria: USB token, handshake and destination |
This example shows a search of all OUT transactions NAKed on the device 2. |
It is also possible to search for data in a hexadecimal or literal form
This example shows a search for the hexadecimal pattern '12 01 10 01' in all data packets containing 64 bytes that was not addressed to device 1. |
The Setup requests search function enables the specification of powerful search criteria
This example shows a search for 0xA0 Setup requests of type vendor in direction of the device. In addition, the wValue field must match the mask 0x8FFF. |
Searching by columns enables criteria to be specified in the same way as instant filters
This example shows a search for all NAKed OUT transactions on the enpoint 6 of device 1 containing 36 bytes of data.
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