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Protocol Analyzers
Bluetooth Analyzers
  Comparison chart
  Bluetooth Vanguard (BT/LE + 11ac)
  Bluetooth Explorer (BT/LE + 11n)
  Bluetooth Tracker (LE + 11n)
USB Analyzers
  Comparison chart
  Type-C Tracker (Type-C)
  USB Explorer 350 (10G + PD)
  USB Explorer 280 (5G)
  USB Explorer 260 (USB 2.0)
  USB Explorer 200 (USB 2.0)
WiMedia UWB Analyzers
  WiMedia Explorer


Bluetooth Protocol Analyzers

» Bluetooth analyzers comparison chart

Bluetooth Vanguard

Ellisys Bluetooth Vanguard
The Ellisys Bluetooth Vanguard provides synchronized capture and analysis of Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR), Bluetooth LE, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac (3x3), WPAN 802.15.4 (all 16 2.4 GHz channels), raw 2.4 GHz RF spectrum analysis, HCI (USB, UART, SPI), generic SPI/UART/I2C/SWD communications, WCI-2, logic signals, and Audio I2S.

Bluetooth Explorer

Ellisys Bluetooth Explorer
The Ellisys Bluetooth Explorer is a protocol analyzer system supporting wideband Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR), Bluetooth LE and Wi-Fi capture, synchronized with raw spectrum , USB / UART / SPI HCI, logic signals, and more.

Bluetooth Tracker

Ellisys Bluetooth Tracker
The Ellisys Bluetooth Tracker is an extremely compact sniffer for IoT applications supporting Bluetooth LE as well as Wi-Fi.

USB Protocol Analyzers

» USB analyzers comparison chart

Type-C Tracker

Ellisys Type-C Tracker
Pocket-sized and bus-powered, the Ellisys Type-C Tracker delivers comprehensive support for a multitude of protocols and electrical signaling that operate over the USB Type-C connection standard.


Ellisys USB Explorer 350
The Ellisys USB Explorer 350 is the industry's first protocol test system supporting protocol analysis, traffic generation and compliance testing for USB 3.1 and Power Delivery.


Ellisys USB Explorer 280
The Ellisys USB Explorer 280 is the industry's most advanced USB 3.0 protocol test system covering all needs from initial hardware bringup up to certification preparation.


Ellisys USB Explorer 260
The Ellisys multifunction USB Explorer 260 protocol tester analyzes USB links, generates packets, emulates hosts and devices, injects errors, and automatically executes test suites to verify compliance.


Ellisys USB Explorer 200
The USB Explorer 200 is a powerful USB 2.0 high speed protocol analyzer. Its advanced functions make it crucial for all your USB developments.

WiMedia-based Ultrawideband Protocol Analyzers

Ellisys WiMedia Explorer 300
The WiMedia Explorer 300 is capable of analyzing WiMedia Ultrawideband and Wireless USB protocols.


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